Dr. Huda Said’s clinic offers accurate diagnostic services for skin diseases through the use of advanced and innovative examination devices. These devices allow for precise identification of the condition and provide effective treatment based on the diagnosis.
Many skin diseases can be diagnosed through a thorough examination of the skin. The most important tool used is the dermatoscope, a portable device that allows for magnified, clear, and precise examination of the skin and its layers under special lighting. This device helps diagnose various skin conditions, such as moles, rashes, and other skin changes.
If further testing is needed to confirm the diagnosis, one of the following procedures may be recommended:
This procedure is used to diagnose fungal infections. A sample of the material from the skin or nails is scraped and examined under a microscope.
In this procedure, a small sample of skin is taken for examination under a microscope. A biopsy is performed using tools such as a surgical scalpel, a blade, or a circular cutting instrument, all under local anesthesia.
During this examination, the skin is exposed to ultraviolet light, which causes certain types of bacteria or fungi to glow. This helps in diagnosing pigmentation problems, such as vitiligo.
Tests like skin prick tests, patch tests, and intradermal tests are used to identify allergy triggers. The skin is exposed to potential allergens to monitor the reaction.
These tests help provide an accurate diagnosis to determine the most appropriate treatment for each skin condition.